Finding a positive motivation for moving – feel empowered to feel good. It can be so hard during these darker days to want to exercise or just get moving. With the change in season I just want to curl up in a cosy room, dim the lights and go into hibernation mode. It turns out that even though I can be grizzly and roar at times (the hubby can verify this!) I’m not actually a bear and I can’t hibernate for the winter. Against my body’s wishes, I apparently must get up on these dark mornings and go to work, and the girls need to go to school. Ideally, I would love a seasonal siesta from it all – one can dream, right? Between the ages of 2 - 22 years old I lived in IAustralia and although I have been back here on the other side of the globe for the last 18 years, I’m still not used to these dark evenings! When I come home, I just want to crawl into bed. Heading out to do anything, let alone exercise, can be an effort. So how do we get up and moving when we real...