Mind-Body-You is featured in Amazon Bestselling book "JOY - Recipes for Abundance"


Aishleen Cunningham’s story is one of the many inspiring real-life stories that readers will learn from in a newly published book: “Joy – Recipes for Abundance”.

She is the founder and creator of Mind-Body-You and with nine years of motherhood experience and many lessons learned, she provides online tools and programmes, resources, support and products for mums to bring balance, wellness and joy into their lives.

She knows the unique struggles that every mother goes through. Taking an introspective journey into the soul, she was determined to not only overcome grief but to be truly present to the process. Learning that the impact of pain makes the taste of joy all the more sweet, she uses her experiences and the here and now to bring joy into her own life and hopes to do the same for other mothers. 

Aishleen’s story is one of twenty-five joyful and inspiring stories published in “Joy – Recipes for Abundance” by Sabine Matharu of Reach For Greatness Publishing, the second in a series of four books where entrepreneurial women share their recipes for joy and abundance through tales of overcoming, determination and gratitude. From nutrition, travel and community to spiritual practise, compassion and self-realisation, they each reveal their unique recipes towards creating a joyful and abundant life, available to each of us.

This book offers inspiring, lived ideas for all women to awaken to joy and through these joyful narratives, you will discover how to:
  • Nourish joy through the grips of adversity
  • Stir up opportunities for joy in the small, 'everydayness' of life
  • Create a strong and lasting foundation to keep bringing more of it into your life
  • Share the sweet taste of joy with the world and those around you
  • Become inspired to create your own recipes for joyful abundance.

One of the readers said: “The women in this book have truly harnessed what it is to live in JOY. Their stories are phenomenally inspirational and will have you hooked from the get go”.

You can download the book here: https:www.learnmoreabout.info/joy
Connect with Aishleen: www.mind-body-you.com 

Or you can join her Private Facebook Group : The Motherhood Wellness Village to access her Online Materials 


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