Tell your story (from my Growing through it, from Grief to Growth blog) The weeks leading up to Rónan’s death went so fast, they were so difficult and my ability to cope was pushed to it’s very limit. It takes a lot to accept that the fight - his and yours - is coming to an end and to surrender to a fate that you want no part of. The urge to pause time, to rewind, to do anything to not move forward into that place of pain and emptiness is overwhelming. Knowing I was entering a time where I could not see his face, hold his hand, hug him, hold him or kiss him was too painful. At the same time I knew he could not go on. He fought a good fight, much more than any of us could. My brave wee soul needed to be free from the bounds of his human body which was not made to be here on earth very long. That beautiful wee body defied the laws of nature on more than one occasion, but the fight was now too much. Part of love is letting go, that was the only option at that point. All...