
Showing posts from March, 2020
FEAR IS A NATURAL REACTION – but can we practice Emotional Isolating during Covid19? The honest answer is – I don’t know for sure, but I do hope so… How are you all doing today? It has been the most surreal week, month – and already the most surreal year - for the whole world hasn’t it?  So how do we really stay WELL during this time of Global Crisis. In addition to following the Best Public Health Advice from Reliable Sources and Implementing the best measures of Handwashing (7 step technique) and Social Distancing to name a few, I believe there is another thing we could be doing to enhance our level of WELLNESS at this time - Emotional lsolating. • I do NOT mean being blissfully ignorant to what is going on in the world • I do NOT mean being rude or discourteous to those around us • I do NOT mean pretending that we are not having certain emotions • I do NOT mean that having certain emotions is good, bad or otherwise What I DO mean is that we are s...
In some ways Covid19 is like dé·jà vu I know that things feel out of control right now, there is bad news, it is coming, we know we will be affected to some degree, perhaps already have been, but we won’t know the full extent for some time. There is a lot of uncertainty. We are simply not able to have all the answers yet, and in many ways, we have to surrender and wait it out (while doing all that we can in the meantime of course). The fear in the world right now is real, it is gripping our nations. It is raw, it is relentless, it is real.  I write these words above, but strangely I feel more of an observer to these feelings. My emotional attachment to them isn’t the same as what it could have been, if I hadn’t lived through similar feelings before - twice before. I will elaborate on my story in coming posts - but for today I just wanted to highlight (for anyone who may be new to the page), that my previous experiences involved two of my three children.  ...