5th May - the events of this day will be etched in my mind forever! You couldn't have predicted it! 3 years ago on 5th May 2017 was one of the most challenging, surreal, mind boggling, mix of ALL the emotions days that I have ever had! Long story short Rónan was just 4 months old, he had been in hospital the entire time, and had been taken back to ICU on 2nd May as his oxygen requirements increased. On the exact same day Bronagh was admitted to the same hospital for the fourth time in as many months… Thankfully her neurosurgeon was on Rónan's ward that day and I begged him to review her, her symptoms were not usual but because we knew this man from before she was born, he trusted our concern and sure enough, her shunt in her brain (for her hydrocephalus) was blocked. Fast forward to 5th May and while Bronagh was having her shunt surgery, we met with Rónan's medical, surgical and nursing team (the room was full!) During the meeting Bronagh's neurosurge...